Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Fresh Cucumber and Tomato Salsa

Fresh Cucumber and Tomato Salsa

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Fresh Salsa Ingredients: Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Onions, Peppers
Cucumber and Tomato Salsa
It's been really hot here in Utah for the past few days, over 100-degrees, so I've been experimenting with recipes that don't require a lot of cooking. On the days when hubby has to work out in the heat, I've also been serving food that can be eaten at room temperature.

When you're on a low-carb diet, summer meals can be quite a challenge. Not only does meat speed up your metabolism, making you uncomfortable in the summer heat, but typical low-carb stir fries, roasted vegetables, soups, and stews will also heat up the kitchen.

To solve the problem, you might want to try perking up the flavor of your crockpot chicken, lettuce wraps, and taco salads with a nice batch of fresh homemade salsa. Fresh salsas are made with assorted vegetables, using tomatoes, onions, and hot peppers as the base, but ingredients can vary widely depending on what you already have on hand and what rung of the carbohydrate ladder you're on.

That's how this Fresh Cucumber and Tomato Salsa was born.

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Fresh Cucumber and Tomato Salsa
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