Sunday, June 1, 2014

Do You Have Nightshade Sensitivity or Allergy?

Do You Have Nightshade Sensitivity or Allergy?

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Do You Have Nightshade Allergy or Sensitivity?
Have Problems with
Do you have nightshade sensitivity or allergy?

How about an autoimmune disease?



If so, you might not be able to eat certain vegetables, fruits, and spices without suffering pain, inflammation, and other health complaints. You can also stall your low-carb diet because inflammation can interfere with weight
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I didn't realize that nightshades were so common among low-carb recipes and menus until I actually looked at which vegetables and spices are nightshades, and then at what most people eat on a low-carb diet.

When I did that, I was literally shocked!

Low-carb recipes and menus are chock full of nightshades. For that reason, even if you are not allergic to nightshades, you might want to pay attention to just how many you're eating and cut back on them a little bit -- especially if you're having problems losing weight.

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