Saturday, December 31, 2011

Do Low Carb Diets Work?

Do Low Carb Diets Work?

It never fails. When January rolls around, and sometimes the week just prior, the low-carb boards and egroups fill up with folks who are returning to the low-carb lifestyle. Why? Because – despite their good intensions and strong determination to eat the low-carb way for the rest of their life, something caused the pounds to creep back on.

Sometimes, the detour was deliberate, but most of the time, something in themselves or their life caused them to lose sight of their goals.

Let’s face it: Eating low carb is not easy! Eating low carb is hard! It’s a radical switch from the way most people eat. It’s an almost primitive, backwards style from what health-conscious medical doctors and nutritionists recommend. It’s loaded with protein and fat, ignores the pleas from professionals and government agencies to eat lots of whole grains, and forbids almost all types of low-calorie fruits when you’re still in weight-loss mode. In fact, to most folks, it’s almost sacrilegious.

Those who enter into the low-carb world are deeply motivated to lose weight. They have to be to put up with all of the crap we put up with. Yet, all of those I-told-you-so taunts are not enough to keep us from putting the weight back on. “See, I told you: Low carb is not sustainable.” “A low-carb diet is dangerous.” “A low-carb way of life is boring.” Well, perhaps they got that one right – if your diet is as limited as mine is.

Here it is, almost January again. New Years’ resolutions bring us back for another low-carb diet round. Another year; another try to reach our goal weight.

In some ways, I can relate to the problem. Each time my body decides to start reacting to something new, I pack on a few more pounds. So my weight has slowly crept upwards from the 150 pounds I weighed when a low-carb diet stopped working for me, but that isn’t low carb’s fault. It’s mine. If I had listened Dr. Atkins’ Diet Revolution in the mid '70s and used Dr. Atkins’ advice to maintain that weight, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

But it’s hard for first-timers to believe that.

There’s a lot of opinion going around concerning the One Golden Shot Theory. Most low carbers don’t want to believe it. They can’t. It would destroy their hope, and hope is essential if we’re going to one day find and cross the finish line. However, I think it’s good to talk about it, rather than denying it exists, because people who are new to low carb really need to understand the risk they are taking if they jump ship.

A low-carb diet works. It works exceptionally well for those who have never low carbed before. I watched an uncle of mine go from severely obese to normal weight the first time around, and he is able to easily maintain it today by eating within reason. I, myself, lost all of my excess weight (about 40 pounds) back in the '70s within 2 months on the original Atkins diet – but I didn’t understand how important learning to maintain my weight was.

That doesn’t mean that if this is your second or third attempt you won’t do okay. You most likely will. It will come off slower, since your body already knows how many ketones to make, but it will still come off – provided your fat metabolism is in good working condition. A low-carb diet works for most people. It works particularly well if you’re willing and able to curb your fat and calorie intake to whatever is necessary to make it work.

And that seems to be the bottom line.    

Unless you have particular health issues and biological problems that interfere with the science behind it, a low carb diet works if you want it to work. It works if you do whatever is necessary to make your weight loss goals happen.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Are Genetically Modified Foods Affecting Your Low Carb Diet Plan?

Are you following a low carb diet plan, yet find yourself hungry, tired and feeling sick? Has your weight loss stalled? Thanks to the prevalence of genetically modified foods in the U.S., your low carb meals might not be as grain free as you think.

Most Cheeses Contain GMO Corn and Rennet 

Many low-carb followers, especially those who do their own research, understand the effect that various sugars can have on the body when their metabolism no longer functions properly. In fact, most low carb diet plans, such as the Atkins diet or the Protein Power Lifeplan, place insulin resistance and other metabolic issues at the heart of the obesity epidemic.

Excessive dietary carbohydrates keep insulin levels too high for too long, which prevents fat mobilization for energy. Lower your carbohydrate intake and your insulin level drops quickly, keeping the doors to your fat stores open, so your body can use its stored body fat as needed. That’s basic low-carb philosophy.

Today, however, we have a new kid on the block that’s causing havoc: genetically modified organisms -- also known as GMOs. Unlike the results of traditional crossbreeding techniques such as the gluten molecule, genetic manipulation involves inserting or deleting genes in a lab. Generally, genes are transferred from one organism to another.

Since the resulting plant, fruit, vegetable, grain and nutritional value are said to be essentially the same as the original, manufacturers in the U.S. are not required to tell you when these altered foods are in the products you buy. GMOs are not a secret though; most people know they exist. Seeds have been altered for decades that allow farmers to use quite a bit more herbicide on their crops than they could safely use before. Safely for the plant, that is.

This is how much I knew about genetically engineered foods, until recently. As many of you know, I’ve been researching the role that various health issues and food sensitivities play when following a low carb diet long term: 
  • I have been studying how and why a low carb diet works.
  • I’ve read every book that Dr. Atkins has ever published, including the book he wrote for the non-dieting general population.
  • I’ve read every book that Dr. Eades has ever published.
  • I've read almost all of Lyle McDonald's books.
  • I’ve read Dr. Atkins’ public interviews.
  • I’ve read all of Dr. Eades’ blog posts.
  • I've read everything on Lyle McDonald's website as well as his two forums.
  • I’ve read everything I could get my hands on concerning insulin resistance, diabetes, celiac disease, allergies, dairy sensitivity, and elimination diets.
  • I have bounced many of my ideas and theories off of a friend who has a Ph.D. in biochemistry.
  • I’ve spoken to various medical doctors and other medical professionals.

Why? Because I got stuck about halfway to my goal weight, and I wanted to know why! The success I have had so far was only brought about by a very low-calorie, very low-fat, low carb diet (rather than a typical high-fat, low carb one), and I wanted to know why that was necessary. I wanted to know why a low carb diet doesn’t quench my appetite, as promised. I wanted to know why I gain weight, the fewer carbs I eat. I wanted to know why a standard Atkins Induction sends my blood glucose levels into dangerous territory.

In my search for health, I’ve dumped gluten, dairy, and beef -- all of which, I’ve spoken about here on this blog -- in hopes of being able to help someone else who might be going through what I am. (I do cheat with the beef sometimes, but I itch like crazy whenever I do.) Recently, I talked about my beef sensitivity, my nightmare of a trip to Colorado, and having to live on Fritos and diet Coke for three days while there. The sad thing about that trip is that as soon as I got home, within only a day or two, I started reacting to “something,” but I didn’t know what.

At the time, I blamed it on a new brand of gluten-free pasta I had eaten, but that was only partially correct. I did react to the pasta, but not for the reason I thought. I didn’t react because it was not gluten free. I reacted, because it was made with GMO corn -- the same as Fritos. My guess is that having to live on those Fritos flooded my body with so much GMO corn that it tagged the corn as an enemy. It now only takes a fraction for my immune system to attack it in the same way it attacks gluten and dairy.

Okay…so just go back onto a lower carb diet, since the lower levels of the Atkins ladder doesn’t include corn, and then everything will be fine, right? Not exactly. That’s what I thought -- until I did a little bit of investigation. Did you know that: 
  • When “natural flavor,” “natural flavorings,” “citric acid,” “lactic acid,” “alcohol,” “enzymes,” “amino-acids,” and other additives are listed on the label, they generally come from GMO corn.
  • Enriched products can be enriched with GMO corn-based vitamins.
  • Almost all sugar substitutes are derived from corn sugars. Maltodextrin is also a GMO corn.
  • Many stores and manufacturers dust the plastic that meat is wrapped in with GMO cornstarch to keep the meat from sticking.
  • Many stores and manufacturers place a lactic-acid or citric-acid-soaked pad underneath the meat.
  • The foam trays that meats and poultry come in are generally made from corn.
  • Poultry and other meats can be dipped in a corn-containing wash prior to packaging?
  • Poultry and other frozen meats can be injected with a corn-containing solution?
  • Fruits and vegetables are often gassed or sprayed with a corn-containing wax that doesn’t wash off.
  • GMO feed passes into the cow’s milk contaminating typical low carb foods.
  • Cheese is generally made with a GMO rennet.

That is just the tip of the low carb problem. There’s GMO corn in our pharmaceuticals and vaccines too. And that’s just corn. Add in the soybeans, the Canola oil, the individual modified ingredients like xanthan gum and you’re left with very little real low carb food. In fact, about 90 percent of the corn, soybeans, cotton, and sugar beets in this country come from genetically modified organisms. That means that most low carb diets are not as healthy as we think.

For me, I've found that genetically modified foods seriously affect not only my metabolism, but my blood glucose levels as well. By removing GMO corn and corn derivatives from my maintenance diet, my high pre-diabetic blood glucose levels have now returned to absolutely normal. Even with an occasional high-carb real cane sugar treat, I have yet to see my blood sugar go higher than 124. While I continue to eat a lower carb maintenance diet, I have high hopes that eliminating all GMOs, not just corn, might be the solution that finally gets an Atkins-type diet to work for me. Only time will tell.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

One Way to Handle Holiday Temptation: Help an Autistic Child Instead!

One Way to Handle Holiday Temptation: Help an Autistic Child Instead!

With the holidays right around the corner, low carb folks will soon be talking about how to handle holiday temptation. The solution varies, depending on whom you talk too. Right now, we’re starting into the curve known as Halloween; that means candy, candied applies, donuts, spiced apple cider, and other holiday goodies.

Some of them can be given a low carb twist, sure, but let’s be honest: with all of the genetically-modified corn and soy running around these days, the high volume of wheat protein in low carb products, the dairy, and the high glycemic sugar alcohols in sugar free candies – diet twists aren’t necessarily more healthy than the high carb foods they’ve been designed to replace. Low carb junk, and low carb frankenfoods in particular, are still junk!

Now, if we’re serious about making low carb eating a lifestyle, we can’t cave into the coming holidays without getting lost in one holiday after another, one party after another, one excuse after another – or we’ll find ourselves, come January, a little bit heavier at best. And at worst? Back to where we were when we first started low carb dieting. Course, giving in to a treat or two won’t make you fat; but, I’m not talking about controlled, flexible dieting such as that described and recommended by common-sense folks like Lyle McDonald.

No…I’m talking about individuals who find their cravings ignite with a single cheat. One piece of Halloween candy, a little hard apple cider, a couple of bites of a sugary hot-and-cinnamon-y red candied apple, and they wake up the next morning face-down into the white-flour pancakes swimming in imitation maple syrup.

Okay, maybe you’re trying to control yourself with a stack of low carb pancakes and diet maple syrup, but still…most folks struggle to apply the brakes for days afterwards, if they allow themselves a free holiday meal or dessert.

I haven’t been as devoted to my Facebook account lately as I should be; partly because my health has been downright crappy this past year, and partly because I’ve been spending hours upon hours researching the medical possibilities. But I happened to be on there the other day, and noticed that David Berkowitz, president and founder of Autism Advocacy and Technology News Zone Inc., had posted to my wall. (I’m talking about my personal Facebook account, not my author’s page.)   

I first met David on Twitter where he asked me if I ever wrote articles about autism companies, explaining what they were currently trying to do. So, I checked out his website, did a little bit of research on him, and he gave me an interview. The result was two articles for Suite 101:

  • Give Your Old Tablet PC to Tech News and Help an Autistic Child
  • iPads for Kids with Autism: Tech News Zones Wants to Help
They explain in detail who David is (an Aspie dad trying to raise three aspie sons), and what he’s trying to do with his recently formed company (get iPads and other forms of technology, music, and the arts into the hands of autistic kids whose parents can’t afford them). However, despite his good intentions and hundreds of hours of devotion and time put into trying to get his company into the air, he’s bucking a lot of wind.

As he said to me on my Facebook wall, he’s holding a Rubios fundraiser at all three of the Rubios in the Las Vegas – Henderson area on 10/21/2011. Those who live in that area, or plan to be in that area on the 21st of this month, can help support autism’s cause by downloading the pdf version of a fundraising flyer on his website, and then go to one of the three Rubios on the 21st to help support the cause.

For those who don’t live in the Vegas/Henderson area, they can easily make a donation through David’s website, Technewszone. Only, according to the post David made to my Facebook account, NO ONE has donated anything yet. So I was thinking… (yeah, I know that can be dangerous, but…)

Maybe, instead of cheating on our low-carb diet this holiday season, we can donate the money we would otherwise spend on illegal goodies (or even a portion of the legal ones) to help non-verbal autistic children get the iPads they need to learn how to communicate. It’s a fallacy that because many children with autism can’t talk, that it means they don’t know what’s going on. They do.

Autism is a brain malfunction that often leads to developmental delay and sensory issues, but these kids still have ears that work just fine. When given the opportunity to learn how to communicate through visual means like iPads, computers, picture cards, and sign language they can make dramatic, significant headway.

So think about it. We spend tons of money on the holidays. We decorate the house with holiday décor. We buy Halloween costumes, pick out giant turkeys, and spend hours in the kitchen whipping up tons of food for a 30-minute Thanksgiving dinner. We buy Christmas trees, Christmas and Hanukah cards, party fair, and make platefuls of cookies, candies, and other Christmas and Hanukah goodies. We buy new clothes. And yes, we buy presents.

So if you want to do something just a little bit different this year…why not give up all of those extra pounds of fat we all tend to put on during the holidays, and instead of over-indulging, why not find room in your heart to brighten up the life of an autistic child? It doesn’t have to be money. is about getting technology, music, and the arts into the hands of autistic children. They accept all sorts of non-monetary donations: Anything an autistic family may not be able to afford to buy, due to the high costs of therapy and specialty diets.

So check out my two Suite articles linked to above, think about adding the cause of autism to your holiday list, and then do something to help. As David’s website says, if everyone who visits this blog donated only 50 cents, then together we could bring a miracle into the life of an autistic child.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Crispy Sesame Chicken Wings

Crispy Sesame Chicken Wings
I haven't experimented with chicken wings much; they are expensive in my neck of the woods. Used to be, if I was going to spend $5 for just the meat portion of a single meal, I'd pick up a nice steak or piece of Salmon. Since I can't eat either of those anymore, except on very rare occasions, I grabbed a marked-down package of chicken wings the last time I was at Walmart.

Marked-down wings are rare here too, but does happen now and then, so I guess I'll be on the look-out from now on, because these chicken wings came out crispy with just the right amount of mouth-watering ginger and sesame. Plus at $5 for two meals, it makes them doable.

My favorite go-to has always been a good old-fashioned hot wing recipe, with Heroine Wings coming in at a close second, but I can't do Parmesan Cheese anymore -- so I opted for a sweet Teriyaki. When doing a PSMF diet round once, I threw together soy sauce, diet maple syrup, ginger, and garlic and used that to baste my chicken breast; but I can't use diet maple syrup so I decided to switch out the maple flavor for some sesame.

In the late 90s, before good-tasting sugar substitutes were available, us Atkinites used a little bit of real sugar, and counted it at twice the carbs. I know that, today, die-hard Atkinites would cringe at that, but that's what we did. It worked just fine for me and many others, but that's not what I'm suggesting, here. I'm just saying...

Cause I've been reacting to corn lately (which I'll get to in another post soon). I've had to revamp my way of doing things. So even though I actually used brown sugar in this recipe, just use whatever type of sugar substitute works best for you. My husband isn't crazy about anything that's too spicy, so if you want to spice these up a bit, they could withstand a little minced chili pepper, dried crushed chilies, or hot garlic chili paste.

Crispy Sesame Chicken Wings

About 1-1/2 lbs of chicken wings cut in half and wing tips removed
1/4 cup soy sauce (San-J Organic Tamari)
3 tbsp water
2 to 4 tbsp sugar substitute
1 tbsp sesame oil
1 tsp minced garlic
1 tbsp minced fresh ginger
2 tsp sesame seeds

Place the chicken wings in a gallon zip-lock bag. In a bowl, combine the rest of the ingredients; stir well, then pour over the chicken wings. Marinate for several hours, preferably overnight. Bake on a wire rack in the center of the oven, at 350, until crispy -- about 1 hour.

*Photo by wEnDaLicious

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Stumbling on Your Low-Carb Eating Plan? Here’s How to Find Success by Using the Back Door

Find Low Carb Success Going Through the Back Door

Most folks who start a low-carb eating plan, begin by walking through the front door. They read the book, study the first phase of Induction thoroughly, and then just do it. Some throw out, or give away, all of the high-carb items in the house, stock the refrigerator and cupboards with low-carb foods, and map out a solid plan of action for emergencies.

Others take a more haphazard approach. They read the book, but skip over the boring information to get to the food list and rules. They don’t much care how low carb works, or why, they just want to know what to eat, and what not too. They may, or may not stock up on allowable foods, and they may, or may not think about what to do if they find themselves in a tight situation.

Both dieting styles can lead to problems sticking to a new diet, because no matter what your degree of motivation, switching to a low-carb eating style brings drastic change. Initially, you might have enough determination to get you through the first few weeks while your body busies itself switching from predominantly burning glucose to burning fats. You might even have enough strength to wait it out until the body understands that you want the brain to burn ketones for its fuel. But that doesn’t hold true for everyone.

When excess hunger and cravings arise, some choose to stuff their mouths with more fats and protein. Some choose to ignore what their mind tells them, and continue eating normal-sized portions until the craving goes away. And some cave into that plate of homemade chocolate chip cookies (or that slice of bread, or scoop of ice cream, or whatever their carbohydrate of choice) because they needed them to ease the migraine, or the nausea. Or because unconsciously, they didn’t wake up until it was too late.

Basic theories vary, but most believe cravings come from: 
  • detoxing from carbohydrates or sugar
  • wheat or sugar withdrawal
  • erratic or quickly falling blood sugar levels
  • high insulin levels
  • liver glycogen stores getting too low

The bottom line? It doesn’t really matter why you have trouble sticking to plan. Whatever the truth, that knowledge doesn’t keep your hand from reaching out for those cookies and shoving them into your mouth. It really doesn’t. So, if you keep finding yourself cheating on Induction, or if you’ve been following a low-carb eating plan for awhile but keep stumbling – take heart. An easier way exists to work around the problem than trying to fight against your will.

How Sensory Integration Affects a Low-Carb Eating Plan

Your first or second time around the block, burning fat on a low-carb diet comes easier and quicker than it will for those who pop in and out for years. And yes, I’m talking about the One Golden Shot Theory. That theory holds true, but not for the reason most people think. Nor are the consequences impossible to overcome, for most.

All behavior results from sensory integration that takes place within the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). As part of that integration process, the brain interprets the sensory data it receives, organizes a reaction, and then commands the body to carry out the plan. This reaction takes only a second or two, and occurs at the unconscious level. It makes change difficult. The body literally fights for survival.

A low-carb diet places the body in survival mode. So everything you think and do unfolds due to the alternative energy pathway (starvation) called into play when carbohydrates, and thus glucose, severely and suddenly drop, as they do during Induction.

If new to low carb, the body won’t have experience burning ketones for fuel, so it won’t know how many you’ll need. As a result, many partially burned ketones flush out of the body -- if you drink enough water. But if not new to low-carb eating, and your body knows a ketone is the perfect fuel for the brain, it will remember how many ketones it takes to replace the missing glucose, and you won’t overproduce them.

However, you will still have to suffer through the adaption process. This means, the body and mind will most likely fight harder, since you caved in to its desires before, each time you returned to a higher carb diet.

Entering a Low-Carb Diet Through the Back Door

The hindbrain is the first part of the brain to develop. It controls our unconscious body functions like heartbeat, breathing, and digestion. When you enter a low-carb diet, and you restrict the body’s fuel source, this hindbrain’s survival instinct kicks into high gear. It literally believes you are starving, so it will do whatever it has to, to make sure the body survives the famine.

When you drastically cut carbs, you bring that survival instinct to life. And when you expose your senses to smells, pictures, or imaginative images of food you miss, the central nervous system recognizes those smells and images as food and cranks up your desire to eat.

A backdoor approach slowly introduces the mind and body to a low-carb eating plan. It doesn’t do that by dropping carbohydrate consumption to a mere 20 grams per day, and shocking the body into ketosis for survival, but by gently correctly the energy imbalance that caused your body to store excess carbohydrates as fat.

According to Dr. Eades (author of The Protein Power Lifeplan), the body needs about 200 grams of carbohydrate per day, to meet the needs of the brain and other glucose-dependent tissues. How much it needs exactly differs from person to person, depending on activity level, metabolic rate, and body size. Most nutritional experts recommend a dietary approach that consists of about 50% of calories in carbohydrates. At 4 calories per gram, however, the 200 or so the body needs would only come in at 800 calories – that’s less than half.

Most individuals not following a low-carb regimen eat about 300 to 400 grams of carbohydrate a day, or even more. While it takes a little less than 100 grams to get into the state of ketosis, entering ketosis is not the goal of using a backdoor approach. It’s to begin making changes in that direction. So pick a comfortable carbohydrate level to begin. Whether you choose 200 grams, 150, 100, or 60 doesn’t matter. Just make it less than you current eat.   

Give yourself a month or two at that level to adjust, and then begin taking steps to lower the carbohydrate level, again…and again…for as long as it takes. How much lower? And how quickly? That depends. A backwards approach doesn’t require the dieter to go down to Induction levels, ever, but to slowly incorporate carbohydrate restriction until you reach the level of carbs that allows you to lose weight. The back door takes a low-carb diet and actually puts it into practice, in reverse. You travel down the carb ladder (if so inclined) rather than up.

By following a low-carb eating plan backwards, you avoid shocking the body, and give yourself time to adjust to giving up your favorite carbohydrates (perhaps even one at a time). You also give yourself more time to find healthy and satisfying ways to replace them. In addition, you never have to suffer through the initial deprivation that has so far been working against you.

Granted, this describes a slower approach, and not for everyone. But for those who can’t seem to make it through Induction, or those who keep stumbling because you can’t give up your favorite treats all at once, knocking on the backdoor can offer a chance to make your weight-loss goals become a reality, rather than just a dream.

*Photo by Roger Ward

Monday, September 19, 2011

Are You Making One of These Two Low-Carb Diet Mistakes?

Are You Making One of These Two Low-Carb Diet Mistakes?

A low-carb diet is an effective, but highly restrictive, weight-loss plan. It works well when you follow the rules. If you waltz into the room thinking you can do your own thing without having read and studied any of the weight-loss plans, you’ll probably find yourself asking, “Am I doing low carb right?” A dead giveaway that you aren’t.

However, if you’ve been carefully following one of the low-carb programs, and weight loss has slowed, or stopped, you might want to check and see if you’ve been making one of these low-carb mistakes.   

Where Are Your Carbs Coming From?

Most individuals enter the Induction phase on a diet-high. Motivation is strong. The weight loss you experience from losing the glycogen needed to get you into ketosis keeps you pumped. Motivated by the new lack in cravings and sense of well-being, low-carb diet mistakes are few. You stick to the rules, start experimenting with new foods and recipes, and make the decision that this low carb stuff is going to be a lifestyle change – not just another diet.

But lifestyle changes don’t come that easy. Like anything else, even with a rock-solid foundation, we can reach a point where we start to slip back into our old ways of doing things. For some, that means giving ourselves permission to cheat once in a while. But for others, the tendency surfaces by trying to recreate the diet that got us fat in the first place – but from a low-carb perspective.

While there’s nothing wrong with attempting to low carb a favorite recipe or holiday treat, it’s easy to slip away from Dr. Atkins’ caution when moving into the Ongoing Weight Loss phase. “If you have decided to move to phase two, I want to remind you not to regard it as a time to cut loose and undo all of the good work you have just completed,” Atkins writes. Pretty much common sense. But then he adds that phase two is “very similar to Induction in that you will continue to derive the majority of your carbohydrates from vegetables low in carbs.”

While the carbohydrate ladder allows later additions of nuts and berries, phase two doesn’t lift most of the restrictions given for Induction. These daily limits are:
  • cheese (3-4 oz)
  • heavy cream (2-3 tbsp)
  • sugar substitutes (2-3 servings, counted as 1 gram of carbohydrate each)
  • salad dressings (without sugar, and no more than 2 grams of carbohydrate per 1 tbsp serving)
  • spices (without added sugar)
  • lemon juice (2-3 tbsp per day)
  • olives (20)
  • sour cream (1 oz – that’s 2 tbsp)
  • avocado (1/2)

Dr. Atkins also cautioned against using too many low-carb products. While he did mention that convenience foods were an option for when “you are unable to find appropriate food, can’t take time for a meal or need a quick snack,” he also warned to watch out for carbohydrate counts. Far too many products today, like low-carb breads, tortillas, and pastas, or low-carb shakes and bars have hidden carbs or digest exactly like the high-carb products they replace.

In addition, if you have wheat sensitivities, be extra careful with what you spend your carbs on, because most low-carb products are loaded with wheat protein. The same is true for many favorites like soy sauce. Also, keep in mind that some whole grains like soy flour and uncertified gluten-free oatmeal (which many low-carb bakers grind into flour) are also highly contaminated with wheat.

Are You Counting Your Carbohydrates?

Following a low-carb diet, rather than a traditional low-fat low-calorie plan, doesn’t get you out of having to play the numbers game. Do you know what your Critical Carbohydrate Level for Losing (CCLL) is? According to Dr. Atkins, knowing that number and “counting grams of carbohydrate is truly your responsibility. If you don’t count you could get into trouble.”

The idea behind the Atkins diet, or Protein Power, or any number of other low-carb plans is that your rate of fat loss is in direct proportion to the amount of carbs you eat. Knowing your CCLL, and staying at or below that number (or whatever level of carbs and protein The Protein Power Lifeplan assigns you) is like a safety net. That’s a little less than the amount of starch your body can deal with on a daily basis without having to store it as glycogen, or body fat if glycogen stores are full. Go above that number, and your weight loss will stall.

That’s pretty much what the carb ladder is all about too. Helping you make the best choice for whatever condition your current metabolism is in.

But too many times, we think we know better and we do something that sits outside the rules. Sometimes we get away with it, like eating low-carb tortillas, pasta, and bread way before step nine on the ladder. Or we stick to eating just allowable foods without actually counting the amount of carbs we are eating each day. If we’re lucky, we will continue to lose weight just fine. But sometimes we don’t. Sometimes those little inconsistencies and mistakes catch up with us, and our weight loss stalls.

Get Back on Track

When that happens, step one is always to get back to counting carbohydrates. After which it’s a good idea to examine closely where those carbs are coming from. It’s easy to get lax and stop reading labels, allowing a little sugar or high fructose corn syrup to slip into our diet through a store-purchased salad dressing. It’s also easy to forget what level of the carb ladder we’re on – when see others eating low-carb pasta and continuing to lose weight. And it’s even easier to devote ourselves to low-carb foods and ingredients than it is to drag out the measuring spoons and cups to find out exactly how many carbs we’re eating.

That’s because, when it comes to fat loss and staying on plan, most of the time, we are our own worst enemy. However, if we want to reach our weight-loss goals, we have to be willing to take a good look at ourselves, our current lifestyle, and weed out any low-carb diet mistakes that might be standing in our way. That certainly isn’t easy; it’s where I’ve been slipping down the slippery slope of fat gain lately. Not much – I weighed it at just three pounds over my current temporary weight maintenance goal – but three pounds is where I’ve personally chosen to draw the line.

So it’s back to lower carbs for me, for awhile.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Food Allergies, Neuropathy, and Blood Sugar Control on a Low Carb Diet

Food Allergies, Neuropathy, and Blood Sugar Control on a Low Carb Diet

Many things can interfere with the success of a low carb diet. Gluten sensitivity or celiac disease, thyroid problems, portion control issues, and food addictions are just a few. Recently, I’ve been looking at food sensitivities and allergies, since inflammation and the resulting water retention factor heavily into the vertigo and ataxia I suffer with. Also, I started having severe itching problems and a rash on my arms, along with drastic weight gain, whenever I ate beef.

Technically, the term “food allergy” describes an IgE antibody response launched by the immune system to a specific food protein. These antibodies interpret the offending protein molecule to be an invader and use mediators such as histamine – which cause the allergy symptoms. The skin, gastrointestinal tract, and respiratory system are the primary organs affected by food allergies.

However, when I was younger, most allergists did not believe in food sensitivities or intolerances. They only believed in food allergies that called forth these IgE antibodies. Skin-prick tests were popular back then, and considered the Gold Standard. So when I didn’t get a positive reaction to the foods, pollens, animals, and dust Kaiser tested me for, the allergist told me that even though my problems clearly fell in line with allergic symptoms, my problem wasn’t food.

I believe your problem is chemical,” he said. “But I can’t test for chemicals. You’ll just have to go home and figure it out for yourself.

In those days, the only option available to those with sensitivities and intolerances was an elimination diet. So that’s what I’m used to. For those of us who don't have health insurance, elimination diets continue to be the only course of action we have.

My husband and I did go through our county medical department here in central Utah a couple of years ago, and managed to receive partial funding to get our arteries checked out, our heart monitored, my gallbladder removed, and my bladder repaired. But our portion of the bill put us in so much debt we couldn’t afford to take on any new, additional medical expenses. So we walked away from that experience without actually finding out what was wrong with us.

An elimination diet is where you eliminate the foods you think might be causing the problem, or you cut out almost everything you’re eating for a few weeks, and then begin returning foods to your diet one at a time. When you go for a while without a food you’re sensitive to, and then reintroduce that food into your diet, your body over-reacts to that particular food. Due to the exaggeration of symptoms that results, it’s fairly easy to tell what your body doesn’t want you to eat.

In the 1970s, the Atkins diet functioned as an elimination diet. In fact, Dr. Atkins told those of us on the Atkins newsgroup in the late 1990s, that the initial design allowed only a little bit of salad, because most of his patients had gastrointestinal problems and the lack of fiber helped the intestines to begin healing. In those days, 1/2 cup of cooked vegetables wasn’t returned to the diet until week 3. And they were returned one vegetable at a time – not like they are today.

When I started seeing a strong correlation between dairy products and beef, and the vertigo, ataxia, Neuropathy, and blood sugar issues, I did a little bit of research and found a connection between those sensitive to dairy products, and those sensitive to beef. I talked about that discovery in the following post: Dairy Sensitivity, Beef, and the Atkins Induction Plan.

Since then, I’ve tried to eat beef a couple of times, but reacted to it in the same way I did before I eliminated it back in early May: with severe itching, and a skin rash.

I also bought some organic Monterey jack cheese when I was in Las Vegas a few weeks ago, visiting a friend, and reacted with the same neurological symptoms I used to get: ear swelling and pain, vertigo, tinnitus, ataxia (off-balance), slurred speech, and brain fog – within 20 minutes. Later on that evening, I also got intestinal inflammation and pain.

All that from a single ounce slice (or maybe less) of organic cheese.

Interestingly enough, simply eliminating all dairy products and beef corrected my wacky blood sugar issues within a couple of weeks, without me having to do anything else – probably because food allergies and sensitivities cause inflammation. Inflammation makes you less sensitive to insulin. Remove the inflammation, and insulin resistance improves, or corrects itself.

Now, I’m not saying that my pre-diabetes went away. At least, not right now. Because we recently took a trip to Colorado, and while we were there, I got seriously glutened from the friends we took the trip with. Plus we ate at Taco Bell a couple of times, and I got dairyed on the second day.

Cross contamination when you eat out, despite choosing gluten free dairy free food, is extremely risky, because most folks don’t “get it” – even when you take the time to thoroughly explain it to them. So I ended up living on Fritos and diet Coke for the rest of the trip. Not good for the blood sugar, I know. Not good for the Neuropathy. But at least my intestines and other neurological problems remained safe.

However, within the past week, something else has glutened both my husband and I. So right now, between Colorado and whatever we ate this past week (I’m suspecting the new brand of gluten-free certified macaroni I put in my pasta/vegetable salad), my blood sugar is higher than it has been.

My current numbers wouldn’t be helpful. But I can say that while I used to have to limit myself on maintenance to a mere 15 grams of carbohydrates per meal, or less, I can now achieve normal blood glucose levels eating 30 to 40 grams of carbohydrates per meal – except for breakfast – provided I stay completely away from gluten and casein.

But even better, my weight is now extremely easy to maintain. I’m still sitting at 160 pounds, as the extra weight I gained from the beef hasn’t melted, but the weight fluctuations have disappeared. And that means way less vertigo and ataxia, and no Neuropathy or other neurological problems, even at that higher carbohydrate intake.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Type 2 Diabetes and a Low Carb Diet – Essential or Dogma?

Type 2 Diabetes and a Low Carb Diet – Essential or Dogma?

The newest diabetes diet recommendations came out a few days ago: eat more carbs, and use drugs to keep your blood glucose under control. Scary stuff.

Diabetes Health Magazine recently ran an article by Hope Warshaw entitled “Type 2 Diabetes: From Old Dogmas to New Realities – Part 2.” In that article Warshaw first focuses on and ridicules weight loss for diabetics in connection with better glucose control, and then likewise attacks a low carb diet – calling both of them old dogma.

For those who have actually studied the principles and science behind carbohydrate restriction and/or have put them to the test, adversity against our own personal truth and experience isn’t new. But when someone looked to as an authoritative voice presents that, a minimum carbohydrate intake of 45% of daily calories is the new reality for diabetics, it’s hard to walk away and let that be.

Is Weight Loss for Diabetics Really Dogma?

When I was first diagnosed with pre-diabetes, my physician believed that if I could just lose 10 pounds, my fasting blood glucose levels (121 mg/dl) would correct themselves, and I would escape diabetes. In fact, he was so sure that was true, he never retested me to back up his view. Warshaw pegs that perspective as dogma, but the issue of weight loss and diabetes is far more complex than to shove it aside just because “research shows that the greatest impact of weight loss on blood glucose is in the first few months and years after diagnosis.

Why? Because Insulin Resistance sits at the heart of Type 2 Diabetes. It literally drives pre-diabetes forward, and sets the stage for glucose toxicity. While “the biggest bang for the effort per pound is likely in the pre-diabetes phase,” as Warshaw says, that’s only because most physicians and patients don’t know anything about how and why a low carb diet works. And that makes articles like this one potentially dangerous.

Tell a Type 2 Diabetic that weight loss for him or her is fruitless, and you’re going to have hundreds of overweight and obese individuals giving up their efforts to overcome the effect of the obesity epidemic in their lives. Tell a Type 2 Diabetic (who has elevated insulin levels by definition) that “it’s time to progress to blood glucose-lowering medication(s), because it’s doubtful that weight loss alone will get and keep blood glucose under control,” and you’re going to end up with a world full of fat, sick, diabetics suffering needlessly with diabetic complications.

If you’re no longer pre-diabetic, just give up. Stop trying to diet. Just use drugs. It all sounds like a Big Pharma commercial to me.

The sad thing is, people shove insulin injections away for as long as possible for a reason. A good reason. A reason low carb dieters are very aware of – that higher and higher insulin levels (when insulin resistant, rather than insulin deficient) lock up body fat stores, and encourage the body to store more and more calories in your fat cells. While it’s true that calories count (even Dr. Atkins himself said that), when the body wants to up its fat reserves, (which insulin encourages), it simply slows down the metabolism to do it.

Is a Low Carb Diet for Diabetes Old Dogma or Essential?

While going on Metformin at diagnosis has been standard medical practice for as long as I can remember, and a med that hardly anyone fights against, the scary thing about this article is what it says about low carb diets: that they are no longer essential to achieve good blood glucose control, because that’s "old dogma."

The new advice? “Nutritional recommendations for people with Type 2 diabetes from the American Diabetes Association and other health authorities echo the recently unveiled U.S. 2010 Dietary Guidelines (1/31/11) for carbohydrate: about 45 to 65 percent of calories.

Now that’s scary…because the fastest way to lower elevated insulin and blood glucose levels is with a low carb diet. And telling people with Type 2 diabetes that they should be eating more carbohydrate foods than their body can personally process, rather than less, sets them up for not only persistent overweight and obesity, but also serious diabetic complications.   

Yet the article proposes a diabetic toss away carb restriction in favor of eating a minimum of 45% of their daily calories in carbohydrates. At 1,900 calories a day (my current maintenance level for 160 lbs), 45% of my calories would be 214 grams of carbohydrates per day, or over 71 grams per meal. That’s twice the amount of carbs it takes for me to maintain good blood glucose control! And four times the carbs to bring my blood glucose levels back down to normal quickly, if elevated.

Now, in all fairness, I am not diabetic. I’ve only been diagnosed with pre-diabetes. The classification that Warshaw says can be helped through dietary control. However, were I to eat at the levels this article recommends – 45% to 65% of my daily calories in carbohydrates – I “would” be diagnosed as diabetic, (with post-meal blood glucose levels over 200 mg/dl), because that’s how high my blood glucose levels would soar.

The only reason why I am not diabetic today is because my current physician only diagnoses diabetes from an A1c test, and I’ve been following a lower carb diet since January of 2007. 

"Yeah, but the article says a low carb diet works to prevent diabetes progression," you may say. True. But give me the level of carbohydrates that this article recommends (over the course of a few days so the enzymes needed to digest that amount of carbs up-regulates), and my post meal blood glucose levels would be over the line for a diabetes diagnosis.

How do I know? Because the last time I ate 60 grams of carbohydrates per meal consistently, starting from a base level of a normal 84 mg/dl, my post meal blood glucose levels rose to 210 mg/dl, my fasting blood glucose to 127, and my basal levels to 110. Were I to eat 71 grams of carbohydrate or more at each and every meal, day after day, what do you think would happen?

Has the American Diabetes Association Made a U-Turn?

I was particularly shocked to hear Warshaw say that the ADA supports the current U.S. Guidelines for “healthy” non-diabetics as a ruler for those with metabolic issues, because their 2011 guidelines for diabetics talks about metabolic individuality, self management, and how important it is to find the “best mix of carbohydrate, protein, and fat” for any one particular individual that would help them “meet the metabolic goals and individual preferences of the person with diabetes.

In fact, when it comes to low carb diets themselves, they even said that “Monitoring carbohydrates, whether by carbohydrate counting, choices, or experience-based estimation, remains a key strategy in achieving glycemic control.” And that “In one study, those subjects with type 2 diabetes demonstrated a greater decrease in A1c with a low-carbohydrate diet than with a low-fat diet.

So why is there so much negativity directed towards a low carb diet? Why is Warshaw suddenly announcing that the ADA has changed their mind, and now wants to put all diabetics on a level of carbohydrates that will guarantee them perpetual glucose toxicity?

Glucose toxicity KILLS beta cells!

But an even bigger puzzle is that according to the ADA, “The RDA for digestible carbohydrate is 130 g/day and is based on providing adequate glucose as the required fuel for the central nervous system without reliance on glucose production from ingested protein or fat.” Now, if that’s true, then why or why is Warshaw recommending such a high carbohydrate level for diabetics? A hundred-and-thirty grams a day is quite a bit less than 45% of our daily calories.

The Same Old, Same Old Argument: No Long Term Low Carb Studies

At the end of her article, Warshaw uses an old, tired argument to manipulate her readers to move to her side of the fence. She says that “Countless research studies do not show long term (greater than six months to a year) benefit of low carb diets on blood glucose, weight control, or blood fats.

While her argument is technically true, (most low carb studies do fit within the time period she holds up), the lack of data isn’t because those of us who have been following a low carb diet for years are unwilling to come forth with our stories and medical records. It’s because most scientific studies-to-date use individuals who are not interested in adopting a permanent low carb lifestyle. They go off the diet when the study ends or when the study instructs them to move to maintenance, return to their old eating habits, and gain the weight back.


Shortly after my brother-in-law went in for double by-pass surgery, my husband and I went through thorough physical testing ourselves – from initial simple blood work to rather expensive stress and heart artery tests. The results amazed our personal physician as well as the cardiologists. In fact, the main cardiologist told me he had never seen arteries as clean as mine were. And while my husband’s arteries were labeled in “good” shape, my personal physician told me that mine were considered “excellent.”

The difference between my husband and I? A low carb diet!!!

At that time, my pre-diabetes was UN-diagnosed by my physician because it had completely reversed itself. In fact, my physician told me at that time, that I was the healthiest patient she had ever seen. She was totally amazed. And while she was in full support of my low carb diet, she didn’t understand how or why it worked.

The Bottom Line: A Low Carb Diet is Essential for Diabetics!

I’d like to say that after my test results, I was sold on low carb diets, and that my husband and I have lived happily ever after. But like all of those other scientific study patrons to date, I became a wayward low carb child this past year, and basically ran away from home. That was due partially to being sick from a serious flea bomb exposure, and partly because my husband and I found out that we both have celiac disease. My hope was that gluten was behind my metabolic issues.

Maybe initially it was. And maybe it wasn’t. There’s no way to tell. But running away from home only made things worse for me.

Like I said above, if I choose to eat too many carbs at a single meal, my blood glucose levels will soar into diabetic ranges. But if I keep my carbs to a maximum of 15 to 20 grams for breakfast and lunch, and a maximum of 40 grams for dinner, my glucose levels remain normal. On an ordinary day, I eat fewer carbs than that – that’s just the maximum I can have, that will keep my Neuropathy from surfacing, and my weight stable at 160 pounds.

What I have on my side so far is that a lower carb diet does keep my blood glucose levels within tight targets.  I don’t eat anything that causes my levels to rise above 140 mg/dl at one hour, or to stay elevated above 120 mg/dl at two hours. Most of the time, I try to eat what keeps my levels at or below 120 mg/dl at all times, because that’s a more normal blood sugar target.

Were I to follow the advice given me in this article, that kind of drugless control would not be possible. My Neuropathy would have me on pain medication, and Big Pharma would be supporting me with Metformin and/or insulin injections. If the bottom line (according to this article) is really to “Take action as early as possible after diagnosis. Don’t delay, don’t deny. Get and keep your blood glucose, blood pressure, and blood cholesterol into recommended target zones,” then I can honestly say that a low carb diet has helped me to do exactly that.

The Nutrition and Metabolism Society is Working to End the Madness

The goal of the NM Society is to fight against all of the misinformation presented these days against the effectiveness of low carb diets – false and dangerous information such as the madness introduced in this article. Ridiculing low carb and calling it old dogma hurts diabetics, and those suffering from the complications of overweight and obesity, because low carb diets offer a way to correct the metabolic imbalances at the heart of many of those problems.

If you wish to join with the Nutrition and Metabolism Society in the fight for truth, consider paying a visit to their website, and join in their cause and goals. Your help can make a difference in the world.

*I am not being paid by the Nutrition and Metabolism Society. All views presented in this blog post are my own.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Testing Blood Glucose Levels on a Low Carb Diet – Facts and Myths

Testing Blood Glucose Levels on a Low Carb Diet – Facts and Myths

Last month Jimmy Moore started testing his blood sugar after eating popular low carb products. Here’s the facts and myths about blood glucose levels when eating low carb.

Saturday was the first time I heard about Jimmy Moore testing his blood glucose levels after eating some of his favorite low carb foods. While Twitter is a great place to keep in touch with your favorite bloggers, it’s easy to miss important tweets – unless you think to pull up their most recent posts. While most low carbers stop by Jimmy's blog every day or two, I quit doing that about a year ago when videos became the norm there. At that time, I didn't have a high-speed internet connection, so wasn't getting anything out of that blog.

Saturday, I just happened to be reading the tweets of the people I follow on Twitter when Jimmy announced his blood sugar testing results from eating Julian Bakery’s CarbSmart breads was in. Since I now have high-speed access, I clicked on the link he provided, and began to read the post.

Dreamsfield Pasta Digests the Same as Regular Pasta

It quickly became apparent that in my absence, I’d missed Jimmy’s first test using Dreamsfield Pasta; so I followed the link back to that first experiment. When I saw what he actually did – how he compared the coated pasta to regular pasta – I gained a new respect for him. I never thought I’d ever see him confront low carb products in the way he’s currently doing. However, there are a few myths about blood glucose levels and low carb diets that need addressing.

A lot of diabetics can tell you from their own experiments that Dreamsfield Pasta digests the same as regular pasta, and that’s what Jimmy’s self test clearly showed as well: there is no such thing as protected carbs. However, he stopped testing his blood sugar after 180 minutes. Pasta takes 5 to 7 hours to digest completely; and most diabetics and pre-diabetics see a sharp rise in glucose somewhere between 5 and 7 hours. For those who don’t, they generally see much higher fasting glucose the following morning.

Also keep in mind that while both the Dreamsfield and regular pasta curves on Jimmy’s chart are within safe margins for glucose toxicity, you can clearly see that Dreamsfield’s pasta digests slower – but that means potentially higher insulin levels over a much longer time period, since blood sugar levels kept bouncing. Plus, we don’t know what happened between the significant 5 to 7 hour period.

Julian Bakery’s CarbSmart Breads

When eaten the way Jimmy would normally use bread, Jimmy’s curves fit well within safe margins for glucose toxicity – even when eating regular wheat bread. What we learn is that his blood glucose levels tend to spike much faster than the average person. If testing at 1 and 2 hours, as recommended, you could easily be deceived.

At 1 hour the low carb breads left Jimmy’s sugar level at just above or just below 100 mg/dl; and at 2 hours, the raisin-free bread was back to his typical fasting level. Even the raisin bread stayed about the same as where it was at 1 hour. The chart is extremely enlightening, because the 9-grain bread (not low carb) actually gave Jimmy the best blood sugar control.

Low Carb Myths

Now, you may be tempted to interpret these results as Dreamsfield Pasta and Julian Bakery deceiving low carbers; that low carb bread and pastas must have more carbohydrates than what the label claims. But that isn’t necessarily true. Why? Because blood glucose control doesn’t fall in line with how many carbs you eat. That’s a low carb myth.

The glycemic index is another myth that spawned the South Beach Diet and other low glycemic plans, but the folks who participated were healthy non-diabetics. That makes the chart (even the glycemic load chart) useless for those with insulin resistance, pre-diabetes, or diabetes. Eating low and lower glycemic foods like berries or even vegetables doesn’t guarantee good blood sugar control.

So What About Low Carb Dieting Itself?  

When you eat only low carb foods, the body down-regulates basal insulin levels, the amount of insulin you store, and the enzymes needed to digest carbohydrate foods. If you haven’t been eating carbs and you suddenly eat something like bread or pasta, your blood glucose levels will rise higher than they otherwise would – if you ate that amount of carbohydrates on a daily basis.

Results won’t be accurate – unless (like Jimmy) you just want to test these foods within a low carbohydrate context. If you want to know your true level of glucose control, you must eat carbohydrates for at least 3 or 4 days prior to testing. You can’t just go from 20 or 30 grams per day to 60, 80, or 100 grams without raising your blood sugar levels for a couple of days while your body re-learns how much insulin to store, and up-regulates necessary enzymes.

The Role of Food Sensitivities

In my own experience, food sensitivities play a major role in blood glucose control. If you have undiagnosed celiac disease, gluten intolerance, or a wheat allergy or sensitivity, low carb products can raise your blood sugar higher than safe, even though it might not raise someone else’s. That’s because the inflammation produced by allergies, sensitivities, and autoimmune issues keeps your body in a state of alert.

The body uses extra glucose to both heal inflammation and fight off invaders. Plus higher cortisone levels also keep blood sugar and insulin levels elevated, as well. But there is also the strange phenomenon of food individuality.

Since I began testing my glucose levels, I’ve learned that the number of carbohydrates I eat doesn’t accurately predict the amount of glucose produced from food, nor whether or not my body is able to store and dump enough insulin to handle what I eat. It doesn’t predict whether my insulin receptors are working properly. Glucose control depends on what type of defects I have in my metabolic system, and whether or not my immune system is working properly.

That translates into some pretty freaky results. For example, my daughter-in-law (a diabetic) can eat white rice with her meat and veggies, and her blood sugar stays within acceptable limits. But if she tries to eat the same amount of brown rice, her glucose levels go through the roof. That’s backwards to what the glycemic index says should happen.

If I eat 40 carbs of homemade gluten-free oatmeal bread (2 slices like Jimmy ate in his experiment), my blood glucose levels go above 140 mg/dl at 1 hour – putting me in glucose toxicity. In fact, the homemade gluten-free hamburger bun I tried last week sent my sugar level soaring to 175 mg/dl at 1 hour, and stayed high for 2 hours before dipping back down below 120 mg/dl (the safe zone). But – if I eat a 40-carb baked potato, my blood sugar level only goes up to about 105 and then returns to normal, around 84, by the 2nd hour. That makes white potatoes a perfectly acceptable maintenance food for me.

Everyone is Not Insulin Resistant

The biggest myth floating around low carb circles today is that if you’re overweight or obese, you’re insulin resistant – period. Carbohydrates will raise your blood sugar, low carb diets will automatically correct that, and lowering insulin levels is a good thing. However, some of us don’t make enough insulin. We’re insulin ‘sensitive’ – not insulin resistant. Lowering our current insulin levels can result in glucose toxicity. That’s not a good thing.

But that’s why testing your own blood sugars and finding what foods work for you is so important.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Low Carb Veggies, Fruits, and Pesticides

The Environmental Working Group released their latest “Dirty Dozen” and “Clean 15” listing for pesticide contamination today. So how did low carb veggies and fruits do?

Avacados make a great low-pesticide choice
Non-starchy vegetables and low-glycemic fruits are the mainstay of a healthy, low carb diet. High in fiber and nutrients, and low in carbohydrates and calories, they help to keep blood glucose levels from spiking too high. However, environmental contaminants like PCBs, arsenic, dioxin, cadmium, bisphenol A, and mercury can interfere with the body’s metabolic processes.

A low carb diet is designed to lower fasting and post-meal insulin levels, allowing the body to have ready access to its fat stores. But pesticides (including herbicides and insecticides) can increase or impair insulin secretion, or damage beta cells themselves. While most organic vs. non-organic arguments stem from what feeding your family organic vegetables would cost, many scientific studies clearly show environmental toxicants are associated with an increased risk of diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

The path to diabetes is paved with insulin resistance, fatty liver, autoimmune problems, and beta cell damage or death – so there’s much more at stake for ignoring the part pesticides play in our metabolic issues than just cost.

The Worst Low Carb Veggies and Fruits

Most low carb dieters zero in on how many carbohydrates a particular vegetable or fruit has per serving, while ignoring everything else. But if you look at the Environmental Working Group’s updated “Dirty Dozen” list published today, you’ll find many low carb diet staples are loaded with pesticides:
  • celery
  • strawberries
  • spinach
  • bell peppers
  • blueberries
  • lettuce
  • kale and collard greens

Those strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries low carbers hold up to the world as proof that yes, we do eat fruit, could actually be doing you more harm than good. The EWG found 13 different pesticides detected on a single sample of strawberries; and raspberries were even worse – they had 51! Celery weighed in at 13 different chemicals and came in at #2 on the dirty list, bell peppers had 11, and collard greens had 10; but cucumbers, a low carb salad staple, contained as many as 68. The lettuce and spinach greens themselves? 66!!!

So what about those famous “can’t live without” Jalapeno Poppers? The Dirty Dozen only lists sweet bell peppers, not hot peppers. However, according to the EWG’s website, farmers might treat hot peppers with as many as 97 different pesticides; and if you minced them into a bowl of homemade salsa with cilantro, the cilantro adds even more.

The Best Low Carb Veggies and Fruits

Onions, corn, and asparagus had no detectable pesticide residues on 90% or more of the samples. The others on the list were very low, so if you can’t afford to go completely organic, the following listing is a great place to cut corners:
  • onions
  • corn
  • avocado
  • asparagus
  • sweet peas
  • eggplant
  • domestic cantaloupe
  • kiwi
  • cabbage
  • watermelon
  • sweet potatoes
  • grapefruit
  • mushrooms

While most low carb dieters generally shun corn, peas, and sweet potatoes, starchy vegetables and tubers have their place on the Atkins Carb Ladder and make good pre-maintenance or later-on OWL additions to the diet, when you can afford to spend more carbohydrate grams. A 5- to 8-gram carb serving of melon is extremely small, so it too is best to save for later on.

Benefit of Eating Pesticide-free Vegetables and Fruits

When you eat organic produce, pesticide levels in your tissues begin to drop. That creates less stress on the body, and less risk for getting diabetes and other metabolic problems. Some pesticides are endocrine disruptors. They:
  • disrupt beta cell function
  • interfere with carb metabolism
  • are toxic to the immune system
  • impair mitochrondria function
  • can cause intestinal inflammation
  • impair insulin secretion
  • cause pancreas to over secrete insulin
  • destroy beta cells

Because of how hormones work, endocrine disruptors can have opposite effects, depending on the dose. So pesticides can be accumulative – though some studies show damage from a single exposure. While most beta cell death is actually caused from glucose toxicity (blood sugar levels higher than 140 mg/dl), pesticides' insulin secretion impairment leads to that toxicity.

While pesticides are not the only chemicals that can harm your endocrine system (meds like cortisone, prednisone, and SSRI’s also can contribute to metabolic issues and diabetes), always consider their potential for harm when choosing which low carb veggies to buy and eat.

*Photo by Eric Skiff

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Peas Are Not Evil!!!

Peas Are Not Evil!!!

I stopped by The Lighter Side of Low Carb’s Facebook fan page the other day, and noticed that Cleo had posted a picture showing what her personal USDA plate looks like. She had 3 strips of bacon, an egg, and 3 peas smiling up from the plate. While most of the comments shared how they would personally alter the foods in the graphic (I would have added another egg and more peas, myself), the one comment that caught my attention said - “Peas are evil.”

There seems to be a common tendency within the low carb community to demonize foods not listed on the Atkins 2002 Induction menu chart. But I don’t know how or when that ever got started. I took a quick trip back to 1970 (one of the two Atkins’ books that survived the flea bombs that destroyed almost everything I owned last year), but Dr. Atkins’ advice didn't even insinuate that peas are evil. He said:

“…additions are interchangeable and flexible. You can make any of these additions any week that you choose. I could be very arbitrary and specify exactly what you may add each week. It would be simpler, much less confusing, and with less possibility for error. But I don’t impose that rigidity on my private patients, so why should I do that to you? I am so committed to making this a livable lifetime diet that I am letting you select your own variations, within the rules set up by your biological rule book.

PUT BACK WHAT YOU’VE MISSED MOST. The idea is simply to gradually return to your diet first what you missed most. You may not choose to put back any of the small carbohydrate additions I’ve suggested. You may prefer something different that you will pick out of your carbohydrate gram counter. Custom-tailor the diet to suit your life-style.

All that matters is that you add back to your diet a little carbohydrate at a time, and that you stop adding carbohydrate when you’ve reached your CCL.”

So that kind of rigidity didn’t come from the original Atkins’ Diet. Nor did it come from the versions published in 1992 or 1999. In those mid-range books, Atkins’ Induction was even more lax than it was in the 70s, because dieters had the option of tossing out the Induction menu chart, and just eating anything they wanted, provided they only ate a maximum of 20 carbohydrates per day (not net) for the first 2 weeks.

Dr. Atkins Changed His Diet Plan in 2002

In 2002, Dr. Atkins introduced the Carbohydrate Ladder. This ladder specified which foods were best to add back, and in what order, to help with blood glucose control – because at that time, Dr. Atkins believed the glycemic index was correct. But even so, he still did not make the carb ladder a rule. What he said was:

“Look at ‘The Power of Five’ on pages 150-151 for other suggestions of foods you can add to your daily menu. Most people find it best to add back foods in a certain order – what I call the Carbohydrate Ladder.

Note that few people will be able to add back all these food groups in OWL. Those on the second half of the list tend to rank higher on the glycemic index and are more commonly introduced in Pre-Maintenance. Following this order tends to minimize blood-sugar surges that could reactivate cravings.”

Now, the glycemic index was created using people who did not have metabolic syndrome (insulin resistance), pre-diabetes, or diabetes, so it’s of little use if you’re interested in minimizing blood-sugar surges. In fact, my recent experiments on myself have showed no correlation between the number of carbohydrates eaten at a meal, and the amount of blood glucose that’s still in the bloodstream one or two hours later.

The Carbohydrate Ladder Does Not Demonize Peas

What I find interesting about this carbohydrate ladder is the actual foods Dr. Atkins lists, because if you hang around low carb individuals for a while, sooner or later, you’ll hear them demonize most of these foods - especially peas, corn, beans, and whole grains. In fact, if a newbie dares to admit they ate something from this list, they’re apt to get told that what they ate isn’t allowed on a low carb diet.

So what are these foods that Dr. Atkins recommends?
  • more salad and other vegetables on the acceptable foods list
  • fresh cheeses (as well as more aged cheese)
  • seeds and nuts
  • berries
  • wine and other spirits low in carbs
  • legumes
  • fruits other than berries and melon
  • starchy vegetables
  • whole grains
Sounds like what used to be called a natural, whole foods diet. Which means peas are not evil – and saying so can give newbies and oldies alike, a distorted picture of what a low carb diet actually is – which isn’t true.

The real Atkins’ Diet is about finding your own personal level of carbohydrate that will allow you to keep losing body fat most weeks. And while some of Atkins theories and beliefs haven’t withstood the test of time and scientific testing, his diet continues to be about personalizing the foods you choose to fit your likes, dislikes, and lifestyle.

While it may be quite accurate to say “peas are evil for me,” – that evilness doesn’t hold true for everyone. I’ve lost over 100 pounds to date on some form of a low carb diet, and I’ve done it eating corn, corn tortillas, peas, mixed veggies, and other starchy vegetables. If I’d had to stick with only the vegetables listed at level 2 on the carb ladder, I’d never have come as far as I have.

The New Atkins For a New You

It’s my current understanding that the most recent low carb diet supported by the Atkins Nutritionals company doesn’t talk about the carb ladder at all. That it limits added dietary fats to 1 tablespoon of good fats (like olive oil) per meal, raises the consumption of veggies to something like 6 cups per day on Induction, and that it attempts to move folks in a more realistic direction of understanding serving portions.

However, most low carb dieters who entered the fold with the 2002 version of the Atkins Diet reject most of those ideas. Like the individual who left a comment about Cleo's plate graphic, they have no problem screaming "peas are evil," even though that isn't true.

The version they grew up with works for them, so that’s the diet they want to keep following. Nothing wrong with that. I just wish that more of them would extend the same courtesy to those of us who entered the fold with the 1970 and 1992 versions; because it can be quite lonely sitting out on that limb.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Why Does a Low Carb Diet Make You Feel Shaky?

Why Does a Low Carb Diet Make You Feel Shaky?

It’s a myth that all overweight people have insulin resistance and/or metabolic syndrome. It’s also a myth that everyone’s insulin and blood glucose levels soar into the clouds when they eat carbohydrates. If you have normal blood glucose control, your body’s sensitivity to insulin will quickly take care of the small rise in glucose you get after you eat. In fact, typical folks never see a rise in blood sugar levels much above 120 mg/dl (6.6 mmol/L) – no matter how much starch and sugar they eat.

The problem comes for those of us with an abnormal response to the carbohydrates we eat. Reasons for that vary, but taking the necessary steps to correct the problem can often make us feel ill.

Is the Low-Carb Flu Real?

The first two weeks of a low carb diet can send the body into a tizzy. We’re restricting the body’s first-used fuel source, emptying out glycogen stores, dumping a lot of excess water, and coaxing our liver to begin breaking down stored body fat.

While these changes can seriously disrupt your electrolyte balance if you don’t get enough sodium and potassium, what the low-carb flu actually is, you can also feel tired and crave your favorite foods as your blood begins to clean out the allergens.

While the labels the low-carb community has adopted for this situation aren’t technically accurate – we don’t get the flu, detox from sugar, or go through carbohydrate withdrawal – we do experience body changes and cleansing that sometimes takes several weeks to adjust too.

One of those changes is a drop in our basal insulin level, a lower glucose response to the foods we are now eating, and therefore, a lower post-meal insulin response as well.

Pseudohypoglycemia Makes You Shaky

If you’ve had moderate or high blood glucose levels for any length of time, after a couple of days on a  low carb diet, you can feel downright awful.

That’s because the body gets used to all of that higher glucose running around. Improving your numbers through healthier food choices causes the body to panic, believing you’re in a dangerous low blood sugar situation.  

Stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline swiftly coax the liver to dump more glucose into the bloodstream, even though your blood sugar level might still be above normal.

This reaction is known as pseudohypoglycemia; and there isn’t a whole lot you can do about the shakiness, pounding pulse and heat beat, sweatiness, and anxiety – except wait it out.

Real hypoglycemia kicks in when your numbers consistently drop below 70 mg/dl (3.8 mmol/L), with the key word here being consistently.

It’s not unheard of for a low carb dieter to find their glucose dipping down into the 60s after liver glycogen depletes.

But that’s generally a temporary situation. Converting stored body fat into fuel isn’t as fast as using glycogen, so occasionally the body can find itself in a slightly hypoglycemic condition.

When Stress Hormones Interfere with Your Life

A low carb diet helps correct metabolic imbalance. It does that through restricting carbohydrates – if you give your body the time it needs to adjust to normal blood glucose levels. However, the 20 grams of carbohydrate per day that The Atkins Diet recommends for Induction isn’t a hard-and-fast rule. It’s a recommendation meant to get as many people as possible into Ketosis easily.

If you’re having a difficult time dealing with the consequences of cortisol and adrenaline secretion, Atkins Nutritionals advises that you add an additional 5 grams of vegetable carbohydrate per day and see if that fixes the problem. What you don’t want to do is go back to the food choices that caused your high blood glucose levels in the first place.

While eating a bowl of Lucky Charms or snatching up a couple of chocolate chip cookies might make you feel better, it won’t help correct your metabolic issues. It will just prolong the time it takes for your body to adjust to and learn what normal blood glucose levels are.

A Low Carb Diet Helps You Attain Safe Blood Glucose Levels

If you have metabolic problems, high glucose comes from eating more carbohydrates than you can process. Until your body learns what a normal blood sugar level is, you may have to grin-and-bare several stress hormone reactions. Many low carbers have learned to handle the difficult times by calling these problems “detox” or “withdrawal symptoms.” While that isn’t exactly true, a low carb diet does work in the way that a good, solid elimination diet does.

An elimination diet is extremely restrictive, much like Atkins Induction. You go into it knowing (and hoping) the restrictions are only a temporary measure. A diet you can build on one food at a time.

In the same way that Atkins asks you to return 5 grams of carbohydrate per day to your diet (at realistic intervals), elimination diets do the same thing. While initially these metabolic-healing programs are hard, and the shakiness can make you want to quit and walk away; a low carb diet can help you discover which foods will keep your blood glucose within safe parameters. And that can well be worth the effort. 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

How Do I Get Back Into Ketosis Faster After Cheating?

Box of Cupcakes at the Office
Slipped off Your Low-Carb Diet?
Here's How to Recover Quickly!
Did you go out to eat at a restaurant? Restaurants are famous for hiding sugar and other carby fillers in their food that you don't know about. 

Maybe you went to a party and couldn't tell if your food was really free of carbs, or not. 

Perhaps, you deliberately caved in to those delicious looking cupcakes that someone brought into the office, or you decided to chuck the dieting game and just kick back and enjoy your vacation. 

Now that you've come to your senses, you know you blew it, but you're hoping that it won't harm your low-carb diet efforts too much.

Whatever happened, it's over now. Don't beat yourself up about it.

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