Tuesday, January 15, 2013

What to Do if You Have High Cholesterol Levels

What do you do if your cholesterol doesn’t improve on a low-carb diet? What do you do if it gets worse? Many low carbers will tell you that you don’t really have to worry about high numbers. But is that true?

Low-Carb Bacon and Eggs Breakfast
Low-Carb Bacon and Eggs Breakfast

  • Should you just ignore your high cholesterol tests?
  • What does Dr. Atkins say about elevated cholesterol levels?

    Insurance Companies Keep Track of Your Cholesterol Numbers

    For many of us, ignoring our cholesterol tests is no longer possible because health insurance companies are beginning to tie health insurance rates, as well as eligibility of insurability, to your cholesterol levels, smoking habits, and other health markers. In my own situation, we have to take a yearly physical that includes cholesterol tests, and input that information at Cigna’s website. If we choose not to do that, at the present time, our insurance rates will increase by 20 percent. If you smoke, they will add an additional 10.

    Although this was the first year that participating in Cigna’s Health Survey was mandatory by my husband’s company, Cigna takes those figures, compares them to previous data, and gives you recommended goals that meet “their” standards. The movement in this country towards socialized medicine isn’t likely to allow low-carb dieters to continue ignoring their cholesterol numbers forever.

    Standards are bound to get tighter as we move forward into Obama Care, so thinking about the health implications of what’s going on right now is important for long-term health, as well as weight-loss success. Despite current thought, Dr. Atkins never took the viewpoint that I hear so often within the low-carb community. In fact, most people’s attitudes and rationalizations about elevated cholesterol levels are downright frightening because many newcomers are listening to the distorted, twisted advice.

    Dr. Atkins View on High Cholesterol

    Although Dr. Atkins is best known for bringing very low-carb diets and graduated low-carb diets into the spotlight, his life’s work also included nutritional research and vita-nutrient therapy. As a cardiologist, he didn’t simply slough off elevated levels of blood fats in an effort to defend his diet blindly, but clearly stated that “cholesterol and triglycerides are one of the most widespread causes of heart attacks, strokes, and clogging of the arteries in general.”

    What he reminded us of was that high cholesterol levels themselves are not disease. They are blood lipid abnormalities that serve as “predictive factors for a hardening of the arteries.” If you treat the symptoms without figuring out what’s causing the elevated cholesterol, there’s no guarantee that you will stop or even regress the disease process.

    But Dr. Atkins also believed that by bringing your cholesterol numbers in line with the current medical view,  you can at least keep yourself off of statins and help avoid their awful side effects. In addition, “high triglycerides and low HDL levels are the two lipid abnormalities that are clearly and unequivocally linked both to insulin resistance and to the intake of carbohydrates.”

    Apparently, LDL cholesterol is not.

    Those with insulin resistance need to avoid excess carbohydrates at even moderate levels, because your body’s chemistry “turns the carbohydrates into triglycerides.” Triglycerides often interfere with the production of HDL, the good cholesterol that helps transport LDL molecules to the liver to be recycled or eliminated from the body. “The Atkins Center experience [was] that people whose triglyceride levels are more than double their HDL levels (in mg/ml) do better on carbohydrate restriction.” But that doesn’t hold true for everyone.    

    “Some people get the best results by restricting saturated fats, while others do better if they eliminate all sugar from their diet and reduce consumption of carbohydrates. You must learn which works best for you.”

    No two individuals will react the same way to dietary and nutritional changes. However, Dr. Atkins also believed that elevated cholesterol was a symptom of “dysnutrition,” and that if you “correct the dysnutrition, you will control your blood cholesterol.”

    What You Can Do to Lower Your Cholesterol Levels

    It’s overly simplistic to say a low-carb diet will automatically improve cholesterol levels. That depends on how you implement what you learn. “Occasionally, a major elevation in blood cholesterol does occur in patients on a low-carbohydrate diet.” But occasionally was Dr. Atkins findings pre-1981. Today, a typical low-carb diet doesn’t even fit Dr. Atkins profile of what a low-carb diet for lowering cholesterol should look like.

     Although he has always stated that avoiding eggs and saturated fats are a last resort, his sample menus as late as 2002 had dieters eating ham, ground turkey, round steak, salmon, and mozzarella cheese. His cornbread recipe even contained real, whole-grain cornmeal along with a soy-based bake mix, and that was specifically for his ongoing weight-loss phase. So we’ve traveled pretty far out in left field from what Dr. Atkins believed.

    When Atkins speaks of using a low-carb diet to control your cholesterol levels, he means that you need “to avoid sugar in all of its forms, even fruit and fruit juices, and you should keep your intake of starches to a minimum.” That’s because “diets low in total carbohydrates and alcohol usually lower triglycerides dramatically.”

    According to Dr. Atkins, simple sugars elevate triglycerides more dramatically than complex, unrefined carbohydrates. While medical professionals don’t always agree on which is worse, triglycerides or total cholesterol, Atkins believed that “both contribute equally to heart disease potential.”

    Dr. Atkins cholesterol recommendations require strict attention to the ingredient lists on the products and spices you buy, and avoiding any product that contains:
    • alcohol
    • sugar
    • corn syrup
    • honey
    • fructose
    • dextrin
    • high-fructose corn syrup
    • maltodextrin
    • or any of the sugar alcohols

    That eliminates almost all sugar substitutes and puts you on a regimen that mostly consists of whole foods. It also means you should eliminate all products that contain any amount of starches or flour. While that sounds like a no-brainer, store-brand cream cheese, most brands of mayonnaise, bacon, sausage, extracts made with an alcohol base, and many other typical low-carb foods would not fit that profile.

    In addition, the amount of carbohydrates you eat per day needs to be fine-tuned to fit your blood cholesterol levels, rather than just for weight loss.   

    Vita-Nutrient Therapy

    For many people, a strict low-carb diet may still not be enough. While triglycerides can drop dramatically and HDL increase with a standard low-carb diet, LDL cholesterol levels can be far more stubborn. Although cutting down on saturated fat is the typical treatment for elevated LDL cholesterol levels, Dr. Atkins always preferred to take a nutritional approach to the problem first. Supplements such as:
    • niacin
    • pantethine
    • inositol
    • chromium
    • Vitamin C
    • essential fatty acids
    • fiber supplements
    • lecithin granules
    • garlic

    were always included in his treatment program for elevated cholesterol levels. His view on health was never low-carb tunnel vision. Even from the beginning, it was completely nutritionally based.

    Dietary Fats

    Most medical recommendations lean toward substituting saturated fats with polyunsaturated or monounsaturated oils. While scientific tests have shown the positive results on cholesterol levels when making such changes, Dr. Atkins cautions that an increase in polyunsaturated oils increases your need for Vitamin E

    In addition, He also used to insist that vegetables oils be cold-pressed, rather than chemically extracted. That insistence was softened a bit to “best” in 2002, but his reasons are still valid. Supermarket oils are treated with “gasoline, benzene, carbon disulfide, and/or lye.” They’re also overheated and treated with antioxidants and corn-based defoamers.

    Cholesterol and Thyroid

    According to Dr. Atkins, another thing to look at if you have elevated cholesterol levels is your thyroid. In his professional opinion, elevated cholesterol can be a symptom of a sluggish thyroid. However, he never relied on thyroid tests to check thyroid function. He preferred to use your basal body temperature because what he was interested in was how your thyroid was functioning, not the amount of thyroid that was circulating in your blood.

    For a sluggish thyroid, Dr. Atkins often used kelp supplements “because kelp contains iodine, the element upon which thyroid function depends.” However, most cases of thyroid deficiency are not due to iodine deficiency, although a fear of salt does seem to be common among low carbers. You can see that in the number of people who continue to believe that the Atkins Flu is inevitable.

    Even so, Dr. Atkins saw nothing wrong with giving kelp a try, claiming it was a “relatively safe nutritional technique for cholesterol lowering” when thyroid was suspect. In fact, in Dr. Atkins clinical experience, metabolic resistance to weight loss in obese individuals was almost always due to thyroid deficiency.

    When iodine isn’t the issue, natural or synthetic thyroid hormone may be necessary, but there seems to be as much misinformation among medical authorities regarding thyroid function as there is about cholesterol. Most general doctors will go by whatever the lab they use suggests, so if you suspect you might have thyroid issues, it might be best to seek out a thyroid specialist instead of a general or family practitioner.


    Atkins, Robert C., M.D., Dr. Atkins’ Diet Revolution: The famous Vogue superdiet explained in full, Bantam Books, New York, 1972.

    Atkins, Robert C., M.D., Dr. Atkins’ Nutrition Breakthrough: How to Treat Your Medical Condition Without Drugs, Bantam Books, New York, 1981.

    Atkins, Robert C., M.D., Dr. Atkins’ Vita-Nutrient Solution: Nature’s Answer to Drugs, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1998.

    Atkins, Robert C., M.D., Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution (expanded edition), M. Evans and Company Inc., New York, 2002 (originally published 1992).

    Friday, January 11, 2013

    Why Can’t We Embrace the Low Carb Journey?

    Why Can’t We Embrace the Low Carb Journey?

    This morning as I was taking a quick glance at my email, I noticed that I had received a link to a post made by Angela England at her popular website, Untrained Housewife. Angela is a professional writer and author. She used to write for Suite 101 when I was there, but like me, she is currently focusing her writing and editing efforts elsewhere.

    Untrained Housewife focuses on teaching the lost art of self-sufficiency. Angela does that by showing you how you can start moving in that direction regardless of your current living situation and lifestyle. Her specialty is teaching the lost art of homemaking, gardening, taking care of animals, and cooking with whole foods.

    But recently, she received an email attacking her for sharing space on her website with other authors, and not being completely self-sufficient and off the grid. They even went so far as to call her a fraud because she wrote a book on homesteading while she was living within her city’s limits.

    I couldn’t help but think how closely that situation related to the experiences that many of us go through on our low-carb journey.

    Low-Carb’s Herd Mentality

    Although I’ve never been called on the carpet for only being partially successful at reaching my personal weight-loss goal, throughout my low-carb journey, I have seen individuals criticized and attacked for preaching the low-carb message while still short of perfection. In fact, I’ve even seen individuals shun specific voices who have chosen to embrace a portion of someone else’s journey that they didn’t agree with.

    Mention the wrong name (such as Kimkins) within the low-carb community and/or appeal to a handful of principles that person believes in – such as only using enough dietary fat to make your diet work – and you can quickly find yourself instantly losing credibility and abandoned. Why? Because most of us have a strong need to belong.

    Even if the majority isn’t right in what they’re doing, we don’t want to feel like we’re not a part of the crowd. We don’t want to be criticized, condemned, and attacked for not believing, saying, and doing what everyone else is believing, saying, and doing. We don’t want to be alone. We want to be a part of the low-carb community. We want to do low carb right.

    Except that the majority isn’t always right. We are individuals. We each have a different degree of metabolic damage, different levels of health, and different dietary goals. We have different genetic make ups, different tastes, and different things that work for each one of us. None of us is perfect. Most of us are probably not at our goal weight, but the one thing that we do have in common is our low-carb journey.

    The New Low-Carb Community Message

    When we first started our low-carb journey, most of us didn’t know a whole lot about it. I know that in 1975, when I first found Dr. Atkins’ book in the public library, the concepts of low carb and insulin resistance were new to me. I wasn’t in the best of situations. My unsupportive husband at that time had recently started a new job and funds were tight. There was no Internet. There was no one to help me figure out how to implement Dr. Atkins’ advice correctly. All I had to rely on was myself.

    In 2007, when I returned to low carbing for the third time – after being bedridden for two years with bilateral vestibular dysfunction, and partially bedridden for another two years – I still wasn’t completely sure of myself. Now, I had a supportive husband. I also had the Internet filled with various low-carb communities to help me, but most of the people within those communities were preaching a very different message then the one I had received from Dr. Atkins’ first diet book or the John Hopkins Atkins Internet group available at the end of 1999.

    Now that Dr. Atkins was no longer around to interpret his books, the low-carb community was preaching a high-fat message. They were preaching a high-calorie message. They were preaching everything contrary to the way I had lost all of my weight in 1975. They were preaching everything contrary to the way I had rid myself of part of my regain before my divorce, remarriage, and being struck down with vertigo.

    Now, it was no longer about embracing the journey. It was no longer about accepting each person as an individual with metabolic differences. Now it was follow us. We are the “only” way. We will lead you to salvation.

    Why Can’t We Embrace the Low-Carb Journey?

    But for me, that didn’t happen. The way had traveled too far to the left. It had gone from eating fat in the same proportion as found in nature, the amount you would find in a reasonably lean piece of beef (1972) and recipes that only used chicken breast and other lean meats (1999) to extremely-fatty meats smothered in sour cream and cheese, and drowning in melted butter or mayo every single day.

    The way had changed from adding back into your diet the foods you missed the most (1972) or creating your own personalized 20 full-carbs Induction diet (1992) to something called the Carbohydrate Ladder that had to be followed religiously in 2007 along with the Atkins’ Nutritionals view on vegetables or you were not doing Atkins.

    Okay. So in 2007 when I was eating 20 full carbs and 45 to 60 grams of fat per day and managed to shed a lot of body fat eating that way, I was not doing Atkins according to the low-carb community. But they didn’t want me to call what I was doing Kimkins either – even though that’s exactly what I was doing. I am not going to lie about that. I was following Kimmer’s original recommendations that she posted on Low Carb Friends: 72 grams of lean protein, 20 full carbs, and just enough dietary fats to make the diet work for you.

    It was discovered by someone within the low-carb community that Kimmer had posted false pictures of herself on the Internet, and she was actually fat. She wasn’t living a low-carb lifestyle, and that angered a lot of people. In addition, she was verbally telling people to drop their calories to 300 per day. A few people were gullible enough to do that and ended up sick, so the low-carb community banded together and got Kimmer prosecuted for fraud.

    Instead of questioning why anyone in their right mind would ever drop their calories to 300 per day, they decided to totally abandon the idea of eating lower fats and go completely the other way. Now, we don’t simply have folks eating a high-fat diet, we have people doing something akin to the Atkins’ Fat Fast at 85 percent fat and calling it Nutritional Ketosis.

    Nutritional? Hardly…but almost no one is questioning that. Hardly no one is questioning the strange habits attached to that diet in order to eat that much fat per day. People are simply following the crowd (the same as they did with Kimkins) without evaluating their personal results. As a community, we’ve traveled from one extreme to the other.

    So What Now?

    As a community, are we ever going to actually support those who find what works for them, and then do that for the rest of their life? Are we?

    That’s easy to say, but hard to put into practice. It’s far easier to judge what someone else is doing. It’s easier to attack those who aren’t doing low-carb the way that we think they should be, than it is to be happy that someone has finally found something that works for them -- even if that's simply counting calories or eating a lower-fat low-carb diet. It’s far easier to allow our fears and insecurities to rule over us.  

    But what now? If we, as a community, don’t have the capacity to embrace the low-carb journey, then where are we headed next?

    Tuesday, January 8, 2013

    Building a Strong Foundation for a Low-Carb Lifestyle

    Building a Strong Foundation for a Low-Carb Lifestyle

    There’s a thread over at Low-Carb Friends specifically devoted to those who have decided to return to a low-carb diet. It isn’t really about anything. It’s just a place to announce your intention of trying again. In a way, it’s a spot where you can declare your New Year’s Resolution to return home to where you know you belong. To return home to where you know you can shed the weight you’ve regained over the past few months or years.

    The problem is that achieving success with a low-carb or moderate-carb diet often takes more than just a choice to return to carbohydrate restriction. Only a strong nutritional foundation can convert a low-carb diet into a lifestyle. Yet, most of these individuals have returned wearing their dieting mindset on their sleeve.
    • They believe that this time things will be different.
    • This time they will do better.
    • This time they won’t stray.

    If that’s your attitude as well, you might want to reconsider what you’re doing, and why.

    Weight Loss Success as Taught by the Low-Carb Community

    Within the low-carb community, you’ll find a large variety of ideas about what does or does not result in weight-loss success. You’ll be told to:
    • get rid of your fear of saturated fats
    • lower your carbohydrates
    • up your fat percentage of calories
    • don’t eat too much protein
    • pick a specific low-carb diet plan
    • follow your chosen plan exactly
    • suck it up and just endure the Atkins’ flu
    • ignore your cravings for carbohydrates
    • drink gallons of water per day
    • and just believe…

    It’s not very reassuring. Why? Because you’re expected to reach your weight-loss goal by using willpower, determination, a self-improvement format, and above all – low-carb magick.

    Nutrition, if it’s even discussed at all, is only briefly addressed in terms of insulin resistance, the state of ketosis, or the familiar low-carb mantra that says to “do this for your health, not the weight loss.” The reality is that the nutritional aspects of diet are placed on the back burner, while fat loss and dieting itself consumes the major focus of your efforts.

    You should do Atkins, Protein Power, Nutritional Ketosis, or whatever the current low- or moderate-carb fad diet is of the day, and nutrition will simply take care of itself.

    But is that true?

    Building a Strong Nutritional Foundation is the Only Way

    Can you truthfully give your body everything it needs to heal by simply focusing on carbohydrate restriction, upping your dietary fats by percentage, and/or counting your calories?

    Probably not…not if the amount of people returning to a low-carb lifestyle every January is any indication of what works, and what doesn’t.

    Obviously, those who feel compelled to return to a low-carb diet didn’t turn it into a lifestyle. They simply milked their dieting mindset. They ignored the suggestion or mantra to use solid nutritional principles for the foundation of their low-carb lifestyle, and attempted to do things in accordance with the conventional low-carb wisdom of the day.

    That type of behavior almost always ends in failure because losing the weight isn’t the hard part. Most diets as written work, including low-calorie diets, if you follow them faithfully. The hard part is maintaining those losses. Maintenance is when the real work begins.

    Keep Both Your On-Plan and Off-Plan Treats Occasional

    The dieting mindset tells you that you are either “on” or “off” of a diet. It tells you that the restriction is only temporary. It tells you that you can return some of your favorite carby foods to your diet once you’ve reached your weight-loss goals. While some of that might be true, the phrase “occasional treat” is where a lot of folks trip and fall.

    What does occasional mean? To me, it means:
    • holidays
    • my birthday or my husband’s birthday
    • our wedding anniversary
    • or going out to dinner

    To clarify going out, we don’t go out very often – maybe once or twice a year – because we are gluten-free and the only place I’ve been able to eat at safely (with my own personal degree of gluten sensitivity) has been P.F. Chang’s. And the closest one is an hour-and-a-half away.

    So the first thing to accept is that occasional treats or occasionally eating higher carbs, higher dietary fats, and/or higher calories than your normal, every-day diet (on or off plan) doesn’t mean every other day, or even every weekend. It means rarely.

    So commit to doing that. Root that idea in your mind from Day 1, and half of your weight-loss battles will have already been won. You aren’t telling yourself “never,” so there’s no reason to feel deprived. You’re saving those things for very special occasions. In fact, that will keep those occasions special and give you something to look forward to.

    How to Beef Up For Chances for Weight-Loss Success

    The best way to beef up your chances for a successful low-carb or moderate-carb lifestyle is to firmly plant your diet on top of a solid nutritional foundation. Your body cannot heal from insulin resistance or repair any internal damage done from the years of making poor nutritional choices (or celiac disease as in my own situation) unless you give it nutrient-dense foods. That means that “on” or “off” of Atkins, Protein Power, Nutritional Ketosis, or whatever you’re doing, you still eat only whole foods and you still eat an abundance of vegetables.

    That’s essential.

    Why? Because the best way to achieve a successful low-carb lifestyle is to begin with a diet that’s closely related to what you will continue to eat throughout maintenance.

    That doesn’t mean that the Atkins’ carb ladder doesn’t have its benefits. But once you find your carbohydrate, fat, and calorie tolerances, that is when you begin to create a way of eating that you will use for the rest of your life. Don’t wait until you reach the pre-maintenance phase. Start today.Because if you don’t, you might never reach the pre-maintenance phase, let alone maintenance.

    The idea behind a low-carb or moderate-carb diet is to heal your insulin resistance. Once you do that, you cannot return to the way you ate before or you’ll simply get the same results you got then. Your insulin resistance will return and so will the pounds. The only way to secure a successful future is to start building a strong foundation for your low-carb lifestyle from the very beginning of your diet.

    What Can I Do?

    Seek out recipes you can live with for the rest of your life. Learn how to incorporate an abundance of vegetables and whole foods into your meals. Don’t depend on processed products or low-carb junk foods to sustain you. That doesn’t mean a low-carb tortilla or low-carb flatbread sandwich is bad and can’t become part of your regular diet. But it does mean that you need to sincerely think about everything you are putting into your mouth.

    The low-carb community as a whole has some weird ideas about what is or isn’t acceptable within the parameters of a low-carb diet. Many tag sweet potatoes, oranges, carrots, and peas as evil, yet see nothing wrong with putting gobs of butter on their food, drinking coconut oil in their coffee, or eating a brick of cream cheese or an entire bar of dark chocolate in the afternoon.

    The truth is, it isn’t enough to just control the carb count. It isn’t enough to simply up your fats and lower your protein. None of that guarantees that you are fulfilling your nutritional needs. None of that guarantees that you are giving your body the nutrients it needs to heal and keep your hunger and cravings at bay.

    The only thing that can make a low-carb diet a healthy lifestyle is to incorporate an abundance of nutrient-dense foods.

    That means eating:
    •  fresh meats
    • whole eggs
    • dairy products (if you can tolerate them)
    • plenty of fresh vegetables and salads
    • low-glycemic fruits such as berries
    • nuts
    • and healthy fats

    But using healthy fats doesn’t mean to drink heavy cream out of the bottle or to eat grass-fed butter or organic coconut oil right off the spoon. That isn’t sustainable, and it isn’t healthy.

    What is healthy is to give your body a wide assortment of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and live enzymes. Only then will you be able to actually achieve and maintain your weight-loss goals. When you begin your low-carb diet with a strong nutritional foundation and nurture that nutritional foundation throughout your weight loss phase, you set yourself up for a lasting, healthy weight loss.